Let's talk Iran - Feb 10, 2021
Senator Menendez stresses on a solution addressing Iran’s “nuclear program that is both longer and stronger than previous commitments and address other pressing challenges” and “should not be motivated by artificial deadlines.” LINK
Luria: U.S. must include regional allies in Iran negotiations
Rep. Elaine Luria was recently selected as the vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee
“The Iran deal was a bad deal at the onset... I don’t agree with the sunset clauses. I think that lifting sanctions on Iran allowed them to use those resources to fund other proxy groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.” LINK
Any deal with Iran that excludes Congress is doomed to fail
-JCPOA’s sunset clauses on unrestricted nuclear activity are more than five years closer to expiration.
-Iran has the largest Mid-East ballistic missile force & JCPOA imposed no real restrictions.
-Deal did nothing to erode Iran’s support for terrorism. LINK
Shining a Light on the Iran Deal’s Sunset Problem
“If the new administration is serious about reinvigorated diplomacy, it must resist Iran’s nuclear extortion and forgo the temptation of rejoining the JCPOA. Breathing life into an expiring accord will not help dampen the Islamic Republic’s nuclear, missile, and military threats.” LINK
Iran: Intelligence Minister Make the Unprecedented Admission That the Regime Is After Building a Nuclear Bomb
In an interview with the State Television, Mahmoud Alavi, the clerical regime’s Minister of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), made the unprecedented admission that the clerical regime seeks to build a nuclear bomb. Citing Khamenei’s ludicrous fatwa, he said, “The fatwa forbids the production of nuclear weapons, but if they push Iran in those directions, it is not Iran’s fault. It is the fault of those who pushed Iran in that direction.” He also referred to some of the steps taken by the regime to produce an atomic bomb: “In research and development we have made great strides that needed to be tested, and the reduction of our JCPOA commitments has given us the opportunity to test them.”(State TV, February 8, 2021) LINK
No Sanctions Relief for Iran Unless It Is Earned With a Change of Behavior
Iran keeps doubling down on its demands for unearned relief from U.S. sanctions. So far the Biden administration has responded by saying Tehran must be the one making the first move. LINK
Secret recording suggests Iranian official concedes truth about downing of Flight PS752 may never be revealed
The Canadian government & security agencies are reviewing an audio recording in which a man—identified by sources as Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif—discusses the possibility that the destruction of Flight PS752 was an intentional act, CBC News has learned. LINK
Zarif claims the audio is fake. The voice & tone sounds very much like him.
And the very fact that he is reacting in such manner is quite telling.

Iranian regime uses guise of diplomacy in terror plot
“The Antwerp court's verdict must surely mark a turning point in relations with [Iran’s] regime. There can be no return to business as usual. There can be no more arguments that diplomacy is the answer. It is time for a complete change of direction in U.S., EU and U.N. policy toward Iran. The people of Iran expect the West to be on their side. They expect their calls for democracy to be taken seriously.” LINK
Iran-backed Houthis claim attack on Saudi Arabia’s Abha airport
Iran-backed Houthis claim their attack on Saudi Arabia’s Abha airport was a military target, AFP reported. The Arab Coalition earlier said a terrorist attack targeting the airport caused a civilian plane to catch fire. LINK

Biden’s Yemen Gamble
The Houthis respond to a U.S. concession by escalating against Saudi Arabia.
“Backed by an Iran that expects to be courted by the U.S., the Houthis think they’re winning and will try to gain ground as America retreats.” LINK
Amb. Bloomfield: US needs “a comprehensive strategy” to end Iran's terrorism
“Let’s have a new strategy, let’s have some new tools, let’s root out the info operations in our midst. Let’s bring the guilty to justice for crimes against humanity & war crimes.” LINK
European Leaders Cannot Remain Silent About Iran’s Recent Terrorist Exploits
It has now been several days since a high-ranking Iranian diplomat was convicted of plotting to carry out a major terrorist attack on European soil. One would think that this would be a major source of public commentary in Western policy circles and that this commentary would already be setting the stage for a coordinated political response to the underlying phenomena. Instead, the response from European leaders has been muted at best, raising concerns among critics of the Iranian regime about whether those leaders plan to sweep this entire incident under the rug. LINK
Iran Regime’s Blackmailing Over Assadollah Assadi’s Conviction
Iran's regime, infamous for its terror, threats & blackmail, after failing to guarantee the release of its “diplomat terrorist” Assadollah Assadi, is resorting to threats and blackmail vis-a-vis European governments, especially Belgium. LINK
Intel Officer: Murder of Hisham al-Hashimi Was Ordered by Shia Militia Kata’ib Hezbollah
Hisham al-Hashimi had been particularly focused on exposing the inner workings & secretive leadership of one powerful, Iran-backed militia: Kata’ib Hezbollah, which he said was “considered the strongest & most dangerous group in the so-called Islamic resistance.” LINK

Western Powers Should Demand Complete Details of Iran’s 2021 Executions So Far
On January 30, activists monitoring Iran recorded the 27th execution since the beginning of the year. Given the Iranian judiciary’s penchant for secrecy, it is likely that undisclosed executions from the first month of the year will still be revealed in the days and weeks to come. And in any event, there is no doubt that Iranian regime will press forward with additional scheduled hangings during that same time, thereby putting itself on pace to reaffirming its status as the nation with the world’s highest annual rate of executions per capita. LINK
Man sentenced to amputation as “retaliation” in southwest Iran
Authorities have consistently defended amputation as the best way to deter theft, expressing regret that it cannot be practiced in public & on a widespread basis without international condemnation. LINK